• Success Performed by Group
  • Success Performed by Group

Who We Are

Samo Press Group was established in the year 1980 and it specializes in the fields of prepress graphic design, printing, publishing, and electronic marketing.In line with the development and expansion that these sectors are witnessing globally and believing in the work of the group and the partnership…
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تأسست شركة سامو برس غروب في العام 1980 وهي متخصصة في مجالات التصميم الفني، والطباعة والنشر والتسويق الالكتروني. وتماشياً مع التطور والتوسع الذي تشهده هذه القطاعات عالمياً وإيماناً منها بعمل المجموعة والشراكة، حرصت إلى جانب فريقها الفني والتقني ان تتعاون مع شركات لها خبرات وامكانيات عالية في هذه المجالات، لتلبية حاجات السوق إلى الجودة والنوعية والسرعة
إقرأ المزيد


Our high tech prepress department is responsible for Typesetting, Copy-editing, Markup, Proofing, Proofreading, Screening, Imposition, Computer to plat, Planning, Paper select
Offset Printing

with high-end technologies and highly skilled technicians, we meet our clients’ needs with innovative solutions in fine quality printing. We offer the highest level of commitment, expertise, and industry knowledge.
Digital Printing

multifunctional high tech machines that can be used to customize and produce your needs on demand through our qualified team with high quality and efficiency.
Also, we have the POD service print on demand for low quantities of books and with efficient sizes and high qualities.
Packaging Solutions

we develop attractive, easy to use, and sustainable packaging solutions. With our high experience in this domain, we develop optimal solutions that minimize waste and maximize usage efficiency all under high standards and certificates.
International Delivery

we deliver our items from the press to the customer with high standard packaging solutions, tracking service, clearing and organizing in customers’ warehouses, and consulting for the storage conditions.

branding, media, online, and Public relations are made with passion, full creativity, and execution. Every business needs more exposure so we go deep as a partner for the customer to give our best and show the best of the product or service that we are working on.


"العمل مع الشركة أبان عن مستوى راقٍ في الخدمة مع الإنجاز في التوقيت المناسب
وجودة عالية في التصاميم مع حسن التعامل بمختلف الأحوال"

دار الكلمة الطيبة

“We never felt on day that we are SPG clients,
they treat us as their partners and this is rare. Their creativity is ultimate,
they services are distinguished and their support has no limits.
Thank you SPG”

George Gerges Owner of Modern General Tasks

Our Work

Our Dear Clients

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